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Massage - Connective Integration Massage Therapy - Arlington, Texas

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Draping provides warmth and comfort to the client when he or she receives a massage. Draping can establishes boundaries yet provide non threatening environment for the client to relax. 

"What if I do not want to be draped?"


There are now draping requirements set forth by the State of Texas. It is required that the client is draped with a towel, sheet or wears undergarments.  Read more about state requirements...


The state does require therapists and massage establishments to provide a statement on their client intake form about draping requirements.


Draping is provided. I provide a sheet that will cover you or at your request I can towel drape you. If you would like to wear shorts or undergarments you may do so as well. All private areas must be covered.

The massage is professional and any inappropriate behavior will terminate the session immediately.


If you contact me asking if draping is required, I will not schedule you.


Suzan Walker, LMT, CR, LDT
Connective Integration Massage Therapy
Arlington, Texas​


Massage therapy is not a substitution for medical treatment. The massage therapist cannot diagnose, treat or prevent disease. The therapist can only recommend products and services. Please consult a medical physician.

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