“Why do I have a headache or migraine after a massage?”
There could be several or more factors as to why some people get a “headache” after a massage session.
1. A Healing crisis – the system is attempting to pass too much metabolic waste too quickly from the body. 2. Latent trigger point – hidden trigger point set off by touch or movement. 3. Lack of hydration before and after a massage. 4. Hormonal or chemical imbalance. 5. Muscle memory. 6. Food allergy reaction. 7. Nerve Entrapment.
It’s rare that I have a client that receives a headache after a massage if they follow self care and hydrate. In those rare cases the following above needs careful consideration.
If a client develops a migraine in less than 24 hours I request that they contact me immediately to check for latent trigger points. The follow-up is free of charge. I want to make certain you are receiving the best care.
Do not allow a headache to deter you from a specific modality or at worst massage all together. Our bodies can react in a positive or negative manner when we are releasing muscle tension and scar tissue. Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. This is from personal experience.
I encourage and empower every client to make well informed decisions for their health care. The more knowledge the client has about massage therapy and healing the better choices they can make for themselves.
If you have questions or concerns, you may contact me at anytime at 817-966-1020.
Thank you, Suzan Walker, LMT Connective Integration Massage Therapy Arlington, Texas 817-966-1020